The Cathedral Archer Project launched an online film festival to inform and educate people on homelessness, including the stories of Chris and Danielle who had experienced homelessness first-hand.

The aim of the Sheffield-based charity is to help individuals fulfil their aspirations and also change the perception about homelessness.

Emily Bowes, fundraising and digital marketing co-ordinator for the Cathedral Archer Project, stressed the importance of informing the public on homelessness.

She said: “It is something that needs to continually be on the agenda until we have eradicated homelessness. Everyone should have a fulfilling life and homelessness is not fulfilling.”

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Chris and Danielle’s films explain that people on the streets endure much more than what is visible to the naked eye. Their stories describe that homelessness can expose people to gaslighting, modern slavery and can have mental and physical effects on a person.

The first person accounts will help raise awareness and show just how much homelessness can impact a person. The four films aim to tell the stories of the people that the charity support and the work done at the Archer Project.

Ms Bowes explained that it is the hope of the Cathedral Archer Project that people will understand homelessness and the routes to being homeless more.

The majority of people who are homeless have experienced some form of trauma earlier in their life that impacts how they deal with situations. This can be one of the root causes of their homelessness.

Homelessness has been further complicated due to Covid-19. Access to services has been harder for many. However, the charity has continued to act as a lifeline to ensure that there is always access for support in Sheffield.

The actions of the charity has been vital in ensuring rough sleepers have food, access to showers and toilets and medical help.

Despite their service offers being reduced due to Covid-19, the Archer Project has been working with multiple organisations across the city to ensure people get the support they need to change their situation.

Emily Bowes said: “The aim of the  charity is to support and vulnerable adults from sleeping bag to employment”.

More information on the festival and homelessness can be found on the social media pages of the Cathedral Archer Project and their website.

Credit: The Cathedral Archer Project