A proposal was approved to be effective from today by accepting £183,319 Emergency Tree Fund for Community Forestry’s bid and to deliver a green project in Sheffield.

Sheffield was granted with the Woodland Trust’s fund to promote the Treevitalise project to help meet the aims of the SCC Trees and Woodland Strategy by planting 10,000 trees per year in the city and engaging the community.

According to Catherine Nuttgens, Community Forestry Manager of Sheffield City Council, the Community Forestry has been somewhat limited in what they can achieve in the city.

Mrs Nuttgens said: “It is a credit to the City of Sheffield that the team still exists and leaves the city in an ideal position to react positively to the drive to plant more trees for climate change and biodiversity.”

The fund was launched by the Woodland Trust to change attitudes around climate, nature and tree planting targets into a reality. The trust are planning to overcome barriers, stimulate activity and provide examples of innovation and activity.

John Tucker, the Woodland Trust’s director of woodland outreach, said: “The Trust’s Emergency Tree Fund has the power to inspire tree planting and woodland creation and galvanise the need to treasure trees and green spaces in neighbourhoods across the UK. “

The overall goal of the Trust is to inspire local authorities across the UK to help their residents become tree champions and make trees a key part of their policies.

Mr Tucker said: “We want to stimulate green activity and help them to become exemplars of green innovation and inspiration that can be applied in other local authority areas, we would love to hear from any other local authority who want to be involved in future Emergency Tree Fund allocations.”

The Treevitalise Project are going to create more attractive, biodiverse and climate-friendly spaces around Sheffield and strategically manage more urban treescape for the future.

The funds for the project will unite the community together by engaging people from all backgrounds and parts of the city.