University of Sheffield student responds to the battle of managing his academic studies, work, a social life, and keeping his health in check.

Most people spend a third of their lives sleeping, but a student lifestyle creates a particular set of challenges due to busy schedules and the pressures they are under.

Research has shown students typically manage between 6 and 6.9 hours of sleep on average at the best.

A study by Hershner and Chervin in 2014 revealed the consequences of sleep deprivation amongst university students result in lower marks, increased risk of academic failure, compromised learning, impaired mood, and an enhanced risk of road accidents.

Nicola Mendini, engineering student at the University of Sheffield, said: ”My sleeping schedule gets so messed up when I come back to campus, because my responsibilities as an adult hit me all at once. The months I spend at home mean full 8 hours of sleep per night, a proper dream coming true. This is why I like being home, probably the only reason.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend 7-8 hours of sleep per night and some basic activities to improve the sleeping pattern, including taking part in physical exercise, cleaning your room regularly and ensuring you take some time off to rest the mind.

Nicola said: ”What helps me the most during stressful months is having a precise routine during the day, forcing myself to get out of the flat, meditate when I wake up and just before I go to bed.

“I also believe reducing the use of social media is crucial. This helps me to release all the negative energies I accumulate during the day. When I have assignments due and a lot to study I can’t manage to do these things, but I try my best.”


University of Sheffield student responds to the battle of managing his academic studies, work, a social life, and keeping his health in check.

Most people spend a third of their lives sleeping, but a student lifestyle creates a particular set of challenges due to busy schedules and the pressures they are under.

Research has shown students typically manage between 6 and 6.9 hours of sleep on average at the best.

A study by Hershner and Chervin in 2014 revealed the consequences of sleep deprivation amongst university students result in lower marks, increased risk of academic failure, compromised learning, impaired mood, and an enhanced risk of road accidents.

Nicola Mendini, engineering student at the University of Sheffield, said: ”My sleeping schedule gets so messed up when I come back to campus, because my responsibilities as an adult hit me all at once. The months I spend at home mean full 8 hours of sleep per night, a proper dream coming true. This is why I like being home, probably the only reason.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend 7-8 hours of sleep per night and some basic activities to improve the sleeping pattern, including taking part in physical exercise, cleaning your room regularly and ensuring you take some time off to rest the mind.

Nicola said: ”What helps me the most during stressful months is having a precise routine during the day, forcing myself to get out of the flat, meditate when I wake up and just before I go to bed.

“I also believe reducing the use of social media is crucial. This helps me to release all the negative energies I accumulate during the day. When I have assignments due and a lot to study I can’t manage to do these things, but I try my best.”