For national Mental Health Awareness Week, a charity has chosen a ‘nature’ theme to create awareness around masculine toxicity.

Tough Enough To Care (TETC), who focus on men’s wellbeing, are encouraging open discussions to enhance psychological and emotional health.

Stu Bratt, founder of TETC, said: “Being ex-military and now an engineer, I have seen first hand on a daily basis how men refuse to open up for fear of ridicule or being taken off frontline duties.”

He explained it’s important to have frank, honest and open non-stigmatized discussions with close friends, and let them know how you’re feeling. 

Mr Bratt added: “This is also true for your good days, we shouldn’t have to feel we can only reach out when we feel low, we should also celebrate the days when we feel good and share it with people.”

This year’s theme was chosen after research was conducted by the Mental Health Foundation, revealing nature’s immense benefits on psychological and emotional health.

The foundation encourages people to share their stories of how the natural word has impacted their mental health using the hashtags ‘#ConnectWithNature‘ and ‘#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek‘.

They also ask individuals to post pictures and videos of nature, such as sounds of birds chirping, blue skies, or clips from going on walks. 

Throughout the week, TETC hopes to show how even small interactions with nature can reduce feelings of isolation and prevent stress. 

Mr Bratt said: “We offer help and support to anyone, male or female, no matter what industry or background you may have. 

“People who care for those who are struggling sometimes need support too; we are here for you.“


If you wish to support TETC by attending an existing support group, volunteering, or fundraising, email them on