Pinder Dance Productions has organised a virtual dance party in aid of Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity’s annual Pyjama Day.

For the third annual Pyjama Day, the dance company, based in the city centre, is expecting hundreds of screens to join its ‘wake and shake’ session on YouTube Live at 10am this morning. 

Megan Pinder, the owner of Pinder Dance Productions, said: “I grew up in Sheffield and I know first-hand how important the children’s hospital is and how dependent it is. It is really important to me for it to have enough money to keep running. Whatever we can do to support them I would do.”

The dance company, which works with children of all ages and abilities over Sheffield, has raised hundreds of pounds for the charity over the years, and aims to go even further this year.

Lucy Cain, community fundraising officer of Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity, said: “Pyjama Day is a fantastic day for people to get involved in and support Sheffield Children’s. Many of our patients stay overnight at our hospital so wearing our pyjamas all day is a brilliant way to support them.”

The Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity is hoping to raise enough money for a new helipad. This will allow patients to go directly from the roof into the Emergency Department and give families more privacy.

Ms Cain said: “We are so grateful to anyone who wants to get involved as their support will help to change lives.”

Staff at Sheffield Children’s Hospital taking part in a previous Pyjama Day (Photo credit: Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity)

At just fourteen weeks old four-year-old Olivia Frain, from Deepcar, South Yorkshire was diagnosed with infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. After a life-saving transplant and more than 60 blood and platelet transfusions, Olivia was finally released from Sheffield Children’s Hospital at four years old in 2020.

Samantha Frain, Olivia’s mother, said: “The floor fell out of our world, to say we were terrified doesn’t even cover it.”

“We all want the best for our children and you never think it will be you, but please help the people who are going to be there and afford them that comfort. You will make a life-changing difference by donating, the impact of which you may never realise unless you were in the position we were.”

Schools around Sheffield are taking part in the Pyjama Day today and over £6,000 of the £10,000 goal has been raised so far.

To donate to the charity, click the link: 

Other fundraising activities to support the Children’s Hospital Charity. (Photo credit: Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity)