Sheffield City Council celebrated St. David’s Day by raising the wrong flag above the Town Hall, the Scottish flag was flown rather than the Welsh flag of St David.

The Scottish Flag above the Town Hall – photo by The Steel City Snapper

The council were quick to rectify the mistake but they were caught lacking by local photographer The Steel City Snapper, who captured images of the blunder.

On Twitter they wrote: “Oh dear, Sheffield City Council seem to be flying the Scottish flag of St. Andrew, the Saltire, rather than the Welsh flag of St. David on St. David’s Day.”

This happened despite a similar mistake in 2019 when the council famously flew a Welsh flag on St. Patrick’s Day.

The Steel City Snapper said: “To display the wrong flag once is a careless mistake. To do it twice in four years is unforgivable, it’s just embarrassing for our city and doesn’t reflect well on Sheffield.”

The council has since apologised for the error and emphasised that it was “rectified immediately” as soon as they noticed.

The correct St. David’s Flag above the Town Hall – photo by The Steel City Snapper

A spokesperson said: “We are really sorry that the incorrect flag was flown above the Town Hall today.”