As most of Sheffield woke up to 32cm of snow many ran into crisis but luckily local communities have pulled together and shown great resolve.

Here are some of the stories we’ve found of Sheffielders banding together to help one another:

Residents of Bents Green have banded together with their shovels and gotten to work clearing the roads so a woman can go ahead with her father’s funeral.

Sarah Redding was supposed to attend her father’s funeral today at 1:45 pm but huge amounts of snow across Sheffield prevented the funeral cars from arriving.

However, her neighbours and the kind members of the local community around Bents Green banded together with their shovels to help clear the roads around Trap Lane.

She also posted a heartfelt plea on Facebook at around 10am appealing for any kind of help, asking: “if anyone on or around Trap Lane has the capacity to clear even a tiny sliver of the road, or can help us spread the word to find people who do, we will be eternally grateful”

Emily Louisa a resident of the area said “All of our incredible neighbours have done a brilliant job clearing Trap Lane.”

“It’s got everyone on the road all together helping out.”

Stork Construction Company has been using its 4×4 vehicles to help transport those in need to hospitals and other vital appointments and a junior doctor has walked 14km to ensure his patients receive the care they need.

A bride soon to be married at 1pm today posted a cry for help in Facebook group chats due to the heavy snow.

Bride-to-be Sue Gardner, who posted for help on the group chat ‘Friends of Sheffield 11’, had planned to travel to Bakewell to tie the knot.

‘Help Sheffield’, a community help page, was quickly contacted by members of the group, and soon found a man, Lee Malton, offering help and assistance in the snow.

Lee has been offering his service all day to everything from, delivering groceries, clearing roads, and delivering people to hospitals and appointments.

A ‘Get Well Soon’ message was seen written across the rooftop at Hallamshire Hospital Sheffield and children in Rotherham have not let the snow get in the way of their learning by completing some snow day home learning challenges and earning some Rotherham Children’s University credits.

There have been lots of scavenger hunts, some snow measuring and some diary writing going on.

While facing up to thirteen inches of snow, Sheffield has remained a tight-knight, helpful community whose spirit and kindness in time of emergency has truly shown on this snowy day.