A local community has banded together to help a woman deliver her father’s funeral by clearing the heavy snow near Bents Green in Sheffield.

Sarah Redding was supposed to attend her father’s funeral today at 1:45 pm but that was in jeopardy due to the huge amounts of snow across Sheffield that prevented the funeral cars from arriving.

However, her neighbours and the kind members of the local community around Bents Green banded together with their shovels to help clear the roads around Trap Lane.

The section between Bents Green Avenue and Ringinglow road was crucial and had to be cleared, so Sarah got to work shovelling and knocking on doors to try and get anyone to help her clear enough the road.

She also posted a heartfelt plea on Facebook at around 10am appealing for any kind of help, asking:  “If anyone on or around Trap lane has the capacity to clear even a tiny sliver of the road, or can help us spread the word to find people who do, we will be eternally grateful.”

Luckily despite the cold weather the warm heart of the local community pulled through with many coming up with snow shovels to help clear the road in time for the funeral.

The roads are now sufficiently clear and the cars have been moved up to arrive at one and the funeral will go ahead.

She said: “The road is clear enough now thanks to the incredible folks at Bents Green.”

One of the local boys who helped, Barnaby Higgins, said: “It felt good to be able to help our neighbours in Bents Green, even though we don’t know them.

“I am glad I live in an area where people do this sort of thing.”

Emily Louisa, a resident of the area, said: “All of our incredible neighbours have done a brilliant job clearing trap lane.”

“It’s got everyone on the road all together helping out. Unity.”

This has been just one example of many disruptions caused by the huge amounts of snow this Thursday and Friday.

People awoke to around 32 cm of fresh snow which cause disruptions to  major services like buses and trams as well as to people’s lives but the community in Sheffield has been excellent at helping each other out.

Sian Edward said on Facebook: “it is always a big effort in Sheffield to help others.”

You can read more about all the ways Sheffielders have come together at shefnews.