Jordann Turner, a nurse at Northern General Hospital, has been able to go home following a massive fundraiser which raised more than £3,000.

The 28-year-old, from Sharrow Vale, said: “This year has been so tough financially, and all I want to do is be able to get home and see my dad in his last days.

“All the donations have been very greatly appreciated and obviously I am open to more to make sure I can live out here for a while and even come back and visit in December.”

Jordann Turner (below) picture with her family and her father (right) (credit: Jordann Turner).

Miss Turner has been living in the UK for eight years after moving over here from her home in Sydney. She hasn’t seen her family since then until her father recently revealed he had been diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer.

The donations numerous people have sent will cover flights, car loans, passport renewal and living costs while she is out in Australia.

The flights and travel alone to visit her family was expected to be around £800 to £1000.

Miss Turner thanked everyone who has donated and “can’t express how much you have assisted with making sure I can spend quality, uninterrupted time back home with Dad.

“The generosity of others is mindblowing and I am pleased to report that I am home with my dad and the stress of being financially strapped at the same time has been lifted exponentially.”

Since she launched her gofundme page Miss Turner held a 24-hour virtual bike ride, a pub quiz and a bake sale all in an effort to see her dying father.

Miss Turner also received a whopping donation of £1,074 from an anonymous person to her gofundme page that she said she “couldn’t be more grateful for”.