Earlier this week, Operation Duxford returned to Rotherham, a day of policing action that is carried out on a regular basis across the county.

As part of these days of action, the police work alongside partners to deliver really high visibility policing, targeting certain types of criminality.

Eight arrests were made for a number of offences including possession of drugs with intent to supply and possession of firearms. 

During one of the morning warrants, a large cannabis set-up was discovered by officers and 400 cannabis plants were seized worth around £300,000 as part of Operation Grow.

This was launched following intelligence of a number of illegal drugs set-ups across the district.

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Rotherham Chief Superintendent, Laura Koscikiewicz, said: “These are brilliant results that I am proud to share with the Rotherham community and the rest of South Yorkshire, as we know many local residents both within the area and across the country are concerned about the number of illegal substances that are currently being found on our streets.

“Thanks to the help of our local communities, we have been able to crack down on this type of criminality and achieve successful results with the help of our partners.”

The operation focused on drugs and organised crime, with seven warrants executed across the district which related to possession of cannabis and class A drugs.

This resulted in four arrests.

One man suspected of having links to an organised crime group and being under the influence of drugs, who was found to have cannabis and an imitation firearm in his clothing was arrested.

Supt Koscikiewicz said: “It is clear that the day was a great success. We are aware that drug-related crime is currently a concern in Rotherham, and we have made this our priority to work closely with our partners in finding those who are responsible, so that we can help to reduce the number of illegal substances that are being found on our streets.”

Roads Policing Group officers also carried out several high visibility patrols where twenty four Traffic Offence Reports were issued for a range of reasons including no insurance, licence or MOT.

Supt Koscikiewicz thanked everyone involved in Operation Duxford on Wednesday, as well as members of the Rotherham community for their support.

She said: “I encourage you to keep telling us about the issues that are concerning you within your area so that together, we can help keep the people of Rotherham safe.”