A woman from Sheffield is at risk of losing her job in the city centre as public transport cuts in her village have often left her without a way to get to work.

Linda Bradshaw, 64 , from Killamarsh said: “Trying to get a bus is ridiculous now, I’ve been getting to work on public transport for over 20 years and it’s never been this bad.”

Linda Bradshaw

The transport links in Killamarsh have been more unreliable since Stagecoach stopped providing bus services and a smaller company, Hulley’s has taken over.

Ms Bradshaw said it is stressful not knowing when the buses are going to turn up or if she’s going to have to scramble to get to work.

She said: “I’ve had my retail job for over 25 years and I’m nearing retirement so I’d be devastated if I lose my job before then.

“There are only so many times you can be late before conversations start about you being let go.”

Ms Bradshaw no longer drives for medical reasons and the bus was her main method of transport.

She said: “Now when you try to get a bus you can be waiting forever because they hardly ever show up on time and always seem to be getting cancelled.”

Ms Bradshaw has resorted to getting taxis and asking family members to drive her when they can but it is becoming costly and inconvenient.

“It’s just not ideal, I’m close to retiring so it’s not as bad for me, but young people getting to college and work are going to struggle.” She added.

The concerns around the bus services in Killamarsh have been a talking point on the local community groups since the company changeover.

Ms Bradshaw said the village residents have complained about the services to the local MP, Lee Rowley and he has told them he is trying desperately to find a solution.

Currently, Hulley’s is the only bus company that is willing to offer a bus service to Killamarsh, and without it, no public transport would run through the village.