A pro-life campaigning group has organised a 40-day vigil outside of the hospital in Broomhall from the 14th February to 24th March.

Rachel Wood, 41, leader of the Sheffield group of 40 Days for Life, said: “We are all Christians from different denominations and we all believe that life begins at conception. A baby is a unique human being and science tells us that as well. We are a voice for the voiceless.

“There are other options out there for women. I have a help-sheet which guides women to different charities in Sheffield which are willing to help them whether it be financially or emotionally. Unfortunately, women do end their pregnancies due to those reasons.”

The group has faced criticism from the public in Sheffield.

A female bystander of the vigil, 19, from Crookesmoor, said: “I think it was completely inappropriate, and frankly it really upset me. I know people personally who have been through abortions and it’s scary to think that there are people trying to take away that basic human right.”

One woman from the local area, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “They say that it’s a vigil and it’s just peaceful praying but the whole thing in itself is so intimidating for any women trying to go into the hospital for that reason, or just walking past and have their own personal experiences with abortion.”

When asked about the mixed public reactions, Rachel said: “We find that when we’re stood on the street we get mixed views. Some people will agree with us and thank us for being there, whereas others will be completely against.”

Originating in Texas, United States, the 40 Days for Life campaign started in 2007.

It has since acquired supporters spread across over 1000 cities and 63 countries.

This group has previously held vigils in Sheffield in the same location.

In 2022, The Star reported that lawyers were warning of legal action, claiming that people’s rights were being interfered with due to the “nature of protest and distressing words and images used by these protestors.”