Pierce Roberts, 21, from Horham is set to run the Sheffield half marathon on April 7 for the charity Scope. 

Scope is a disability equality charity in England and Wales that aims to provide practical and emotional support for disabled people.

Pierce has decided to run the marathon for Scope as: “The charity is pretty close to home as my sister Holly has cerebral palsy.”

He said: “I want to raise more awareness for scope as I find not many people actually know what Scope is.

“Personally me and my family haven’t had to use the charity for my sister however I can understand how less fortunate people can use Scope so I just want to help someone who really does need it.”

Scope are striving for a society whereby all disabled people can enjoy equality and fairness. 

He has a set goal of £400 on GoFundMe and is currently on £280.

Pierce has never participated in any charity fundraising event before but has been dedicating his free time to train for the half marathon. 

“I’ve always wanted to do something fundraising wise before but I’ve never really had the opportunity so this is the big goal at the moment.”

He is currently training three times a week, increasing the intensity of his runs throughout the week. 

“On Mondays I run a 5k on Wednesdays I do a more intense run and on the weekend I’ll try my best to do a longer run so I’m really just throwing myself in the deep end here.

“I definitely think that the Sheffield half marathon is a perfect opportunity to do something for charity.”

“There is so much stuff going on in the world, unfortunately, it’s hard to really pick one charity but do it for something that you love, for yourself or for someone that you care about 

“I’d say for anyone wanting to do something for charity is to just do it, get the form, get the ticket and just do it.

“I don’t think I’d be able to run a half marathon if I wasn’t doing it for a good cause.”