Visual arts organisation Ignite Imaginations celebrated their 20th Birthday with an event in the city centre.

Ignite Imaginations delivers creative activities in partnership with communities to unlock new experiences and skills.

The celebration, which was CEO Luisa Golob’s final event with the organisation, took place at Channing Hall.

It was attended by a lot of the people and staff who are part of the community, and saw speeches from the CEO Luisa Golob, board members as well as volunteers.

Founder of Ignite Imaginations, Roanna Heller said: “I really want to encourage anyone who has an idea or a dream to reach out to different communities and organisations and maybe your idea will find the start it needs.”

A lot of creative activities took place which involved everyone present.

Many people filled the venue and food and hot drinks as food were served during the event. The activities that took place were taken part in by people of all age groups.

The event was Luisa Golob’s last event before she bid farewell to go on her maternity leave.

She said: ”Next in line, we are going to do more work that we are supposed to do, work in care homes, do more work in community settings and bring the opportunity to more people across the city.”