NUTRI-FAST, a healthy meal prep company in Rotherham has teamed up with Rotherham Independent Volunteer Organisation (RIVO) to feed those in poverty after being closed by Rotherham council.

Owner Ben Hawksworth started Nutri-fast in July 2020 supplying nutritious meals, before being forced to close the business through lockdown.

Whilst closed, the company decided to make a difference by donating food to RIVO, a not-for-profit organisation which provides support for the homeless and less fortunate in Rotherham and its surrounding areas.

Mr Hawksworth said: “While the council are wanting us to stay closed, I thought let’s set up a foodbank and we’ve raised £1,300. We’ve only spent around £400 of that and from what I’ve seen it’s fed at least 700 people.

“Hopefully, the £1300 will feed over 2,000 people over the next few weeks.”

He intends to continue to support the charity beyond the end of lockdown with other fundraising events.

Carl Mack from RIVO said: “Nutri-Fast have been amazing with donations. We rely on people and organisations to help us with food, toiletries and other vital equipment.

“That’s why the massive donations that Nutri-Fast have given us were so important, it means we didn’t have to look for where the next meal was coming from for families and people in need.”

RIVO have been able to serve over 400 meals due to the donation from Nutri-Fast.


RIVO help between 40 and 120 people a week, some on more than one occasion.


Mr Mack added: “Each night people turn up to get fed and clothed, last week was a massive 110 people, the second highest amount ever.”

Nutri-Fast was forced to close on Friday 8 January because it operates from the same unit as Ultraflex gym on Effingham street, in Rotherham. Despite being a separate limited company.

Not being entitled to any financial help from the government, Mr Hawksworth attempted to pay the company’s running costs and wages of two employees out of his own pocket.

He said: “We’re now at a stage where we can’t pay Stacey and we can’t pay Rob. We’ve done as much as we can, but you can’t pay someone when there’s no money there.

“Rob’s now got a new-born baby, and we can’t pay him until gyms open.”


Featured Image: From left to right – Rob Allen, Ben Hawksworth and Stacey Turner