After a downward trend, Wisconsin health officials have reported increased rates of positive cases of Covid-19 higher than their 7-day average Wednesday.

747 new cases were reported by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, and the average cases reported over the last 7 days was 617.

The total of both positive and negative test results is 5,264, which is more than the past five days.

[infogram id=”new-confirmed-covid-19-cases-by-date-confirmed-and-7-day-average-1h1749vw5gw0q6z?live”]

Earlier this week, the 7-day per cent of positive Covid-19 tests out of total tests was 2.7 per cent. The last time the rate of positivity was below 2.8 per cent was in March. 

There has now been a total of 561,311 confirmed cases in Wisconsin. 

As fewer cases are confirmed, the rate of active Covid-19 cases has also been decreasing. The DHS reported that only 1.5 per cent of confirmed cases are active. 

The DHS also reported an increase of 25 deaths, which brings the state total to 6,342. This is 1.1 per cent of confirmed cases. The United States passed 500,000 deaths this week, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Through Tuesday, a total of 1,237,867 vaccinations were administered across the state, according to the DHS. That’s over 14 per cent of the state population.