An enthusiastic parent has praised the Prime minister’s announcement on schools reopening in two weeks’ time on March 8.

Kelly Louise* an underwriter from Bradway is keen to see her two children return to class as staying at home has badly affected their mental health. 

Despite her 4-year old son and 7-year old daughter receiving a lot of support from their school, they are both desperate for social interaction. 

She said: “Trying to work with two children at work has honestly been beyond a nightmare. My kids are desperate to get back to the social educational system and not stay at home. They have become quite upset at the tough of not seeing their friends, more tearful, and have struggled a lot.  

“Staying at home 24/7 for almost eight weeks has been quite a challenge. I’m glad we are going back to a bit of normality, especially after school was open only for one day after Christmas,” she added. 

The 43-year-old mum also praises the ongoing national calls for vaccinating teachers.   

Ms Loiuse* said: “I signed a petition regarding this and if that means my children can go back to school, teachers should be up there with health professionals. I am aware this is a difficult time and we don’t know what’s gonna happen, but I am very grateful school is finally reopening and fingers crossed it’s the right decision.” 

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in his press conference on Monday, said: “All the evidence shows that schools are safe and the risk posed to children by Covid is vanishingly small.

“But to offer even greater reassurance we’re introducing twice-weekly testing of secondary school and college pupils and asking them to wear face coverings for the rest of this term.

“Families and childcare bubbles will also be encouraged to get tested regularly.”

Photo by CDC on Unsplash. *Name changed to protect identity