Travel agents have been left in limbo as the Home Secretary, Priti Patel has said it may be too early to book Summer holidays as there is still some doubt surrounding international travel.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who set out his four step roadmap out of lockdown last Monday said all legal limits on social contact could be completely removed by 21 June, but this only applies to the UK.

The extent of the restrictions on international travel are yet to be known, which leaves travel agencies and other holiday booking companies in an unpredictable area.

Paul Rushby, director of Direct travel Sheffield said: “We’ve been in a tight spot all year, we don’t really know what’s going to happen, but we are hoping the situation improves from last year”.

At present all holidays in the UK and outside the country are illegal.

Mr Rushby said: “We can’t book holidays in this country, let alone abroad, so I guess at the moment we just see what happens, we are prepared for anything at this point”.

The Health Secretary, Matt Hancock said there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding summer holidays, but ensured government ministers are doing all they can to make sure people have a holiday this year.

George Riley, 28, a warehouse worker from Sheffield said: “I feel we deserve something like that, this past year has been a nightmare for everyone, so if we can get that break we all deserve, I think we will all benefit from it”.

Katy Shylesmoor, 35, who is a care worker with three children said: “I can understand why we don’t know yet, it would be nice though, to take the kids away for a week or two”.

The furlough scheme was extended until September yesterday, providing companies and their workers with some extra support.