Meadowhall staff have started a new petition calling for a safer staff car park after due to dangers accessing the car park from the shopping centre at night.

The staff car park on Aisling road is on the opposite side of the shopping centre, with poor lighting and a lack of crossing areas.

Staff have been issued with fines of £60 if they park in the customers car park, and threatened with court action until it is paid.

Claire Bardon, works in Meadowhall, posted on Facebook that staff have to walk 5-10 minutes: “Over a bridge, over dark water, and past numerous bushes” at 9pm, but as late as 10pm to 11pm during Christmas time.

Kate Partlow, 25, was 22 when she worked in Meadowhall, said: “The whole time I worked at Meadowhall this was an issue and still is, many who still work there have raised this and nothing has been done.

“It is a very scary walk, and I never felt safe in the car park during bad weather and especially across the bridge with the water fast flowing.”

Miss Partlow has started this new petition in light of the murder of Sarah Everard: “I feel we need to speak up, Meadowhall are able to help and have been asked to do so many times but refuse, it is a very uncomfortable walk for young women.”

She added: “It’s unacceptable, women should not have to live in fear, I feel situations such as the one with Meadowhall are disgusting as more can be done. There is no interest in the safety of their staff.”

Meadowhall workers started a similar petition in 2017, and in 2019. Workers reported their frustrations over the ‘disgraceful’ state and safety of the car park to the Sheffield Star.

A spokesperson for Meadowhall said: “We take on board all feedback from our customers and colleagues, and their safety and wellbeing is our number one priority.

“We want everyone to feel safe making their way to and from our centre, and encourage anyone using our staff car park to use the dedicated footpath which is fully lit and monitored with CCTV 24 hours a day.

“The car park already has dedicated security marshals and we will be increasing this provision to provide further comfort to our colleagues in the coming weeks.

“We also work closely with our onsite community policing team to ensure the safety of everyone visiting and working in our centre.”