A member of the Sheffield Litter Picking Facebook group has created a petition to stop fly-tipping and bring back ‘put out your rubbish days’.

Michelle Hinson, the creator of the petition, wanted to make a stand after noticing the ‘enormous litter problem’ that Sheffield has. After having conversations with residents about the issue, the 31-year-old believes that the problem is affecting low-income houses the most.

According to sheffield.gov.uk, people can use a ‘bulky waste collection’ service for any large items, but it comes at a price. One item, such as a couch or TV, costs £23.20. However, Ms. Hinson believes that this cost may be too much for some people to afford, leading to fly-tipping.

Abandoned carpet amongst other rubbish

Credit: Lyn Lockwood

She said: “I believe a lot of the fly-tipping comes from low-income households, who cannot afford to pay someone to take their household things away, and they do not own a car. In their eyes, the fly-tipping is the only solution for this.”

The Facebook group is very active, with over 2,800 members who voluntarily litter pick in their local areas. Pictures of bin bags full of collected litter are posted daily, as well as organising group litter picking sessions.

After creating the petition two weeks ago, it has already received nearly 300 signatures.

Deputy Lord Mayor, Gail Smith, is amongst the 294 people who have signed the petition.
She said: “Fly-tipping is a problem dear to my heart.”

Councillor Smith also has hopes in the future to extend tip opening hours where needed.

Another councillor and Leader of the Opposition, Shaffaq Mohammed, said: “Our volunteer litter pickers are doing a great job. Now it’s time for the council to do its part.”

Credit: Amanda Smith

Ms. Hinson believes that “the result is in the prevention”. She said: “By giving people an easier option, it will reduce the amount of fly-tipping significantly. I soon wish for a fly-tipping-free Sheffield.”

You can sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/sheffield-city-council-bring-back-put-out-your-rubbish-days-to-help-prevent-fly-tipping