Last week, Shefnews reported that an incredible 4-year-old was taking on the challenge of cycling 100 miles in both March and April.

Chelsea Ellis, 4, from Handsworth, Sheffield, hopes to ride 200 miles in total. She has most recently hit the 50-mile milestone and has now raised £656 for Rethink Mental Illness Charity.

Her mother, Keeley Ellis, 26, suffered badly with mental health issues a few years prior to having Chelsea. At the age of 17, Keeley required Rethink’s help. Many years later, Keeley and Chelsea wanted to give something back to the charity.

Keeley said: “I explained to Chelsea that sometimes people feel sad and need help to feel better.”

“Chelsea wants to help people like those who helped mummy.”

From Chelsea’s first words, she was full of love and kindness and she has always loved making people happy. Since the age of three she has wanted to raise money for charity.

Chelsea Ellis, Aged 4

Chelsea Ellis, Aged 4

Chelsea said: “I am happy to make people happy. People feeling better makes me feel good.”

Prior to this fundraiser, Keeley and Chelsea raised money for Bone Cancer Research, where they walked 100 miles in a month. It was a great success and they wanted to complete another fundraiser for charity.

When it came to deciding how they were going to raise money for Rethink Mental Illness, Chelsea’s love for her bike and her determination to ride without her stabilisers made the cycle challenge an obvious choice.

Keeley added: “I could not be prouder. Honestly, she is a hero, my hero. 4 years old and taking on the world. My superstar.”

Chelsea plans to continue with her charity work and wants her next fundraiser to be in aid of Sheffield’s Children’s Hospital.

They have set up a Facebook Page where people can donate and keep up to date with Chelsea’s progress.

100 percent of donations go to Rethink Mental Illness. If you’d like to donate and, please click here