After having to reschedule twice in the past 12 months, the Vegan Market Co is set to hold their first event of the year in Sheffield this Sunday.

The Sheffield Vegan Market will bring together local businesses selling a large variety of products, all the way from food, to luxury clothing and cosmetics. The market will run from 10:30am until 4pm.

The market is being held a year later than expected as Covid-19 lockdowns made it impossible for it to take place.

Chloe Hastings, Marketing Manager for Vegan Market Co, said the ‘new normal’ of working in a pandemic has affected the way they operate. However, it has not stopped them from carrying on. 

Our main challenge was to ensure the stalls were safely spaced apart, so the public could adhere to social distancing guidelines,” she said. “This meant seriously reducing the number of stalls we’re allowed in one space.

“For Sheffield we would usually have around 50 stalls, but having a socially distanced market meant we have had to significantly reduce that to 35.”

The company has seen a rise in interest in their market over the years, as the ‘vegan lifestyle’ appeals to more and more people. Chloe said: “As the innovation of plant-based food continues to grow, we’ve noticed there is a larger demand for it now than ever before, which will only increase. 

“Our consumers want to know what they’re eating and where it has come from and our markets are a perfect place for this. We try to use businesses local to the area, which we know our visitors have wanted to support throughout the pandemic.”

However, the event is not just for vegans. Savindri Dassanayake, a BA Environmental Science student at The University of Sheffield, attended the market in 2019 and plans to attend this year too. 

Savindri in an alleyway with an art installation of pink and yellow umbrellas hanging above. She is wearing blue jeans and a dark blue jacket. Her right leg is on a black skateboard

Savindri Dassanayake, a student at the University of Sheffield, who is excited to attend this year’s market.

She said: “Even though I’m not fully vegan, events like the Sheffield Vegan Market inspire me to experiment with different kinds of plant-based food. A large part of the student community in Sheffield is vegan. That itself is a driving force to become more aware and live sustainably. 

“I recycle regularly and try to buy groceries from zero-waste stores. After observing Earth Day this year, I can’t wait to attend the Market and learn more about a vegan lifestyle!”

The Sheffield Vegan Market can be found in The Moor.

Location of The Moor in Sheffield, marked by a red dot

The Moor, Sheffield. Click on the map to get directions to the Sheffield Vegan Market.