Hundreds of demonstrators marched through Sheffield for the city’s fourth ‘Kill the Bill’ protest on International Workers’ Day campaigning against the newly announced Policing Bill.

Around 800 people gathered at Devonshire Green and Barkers Pool last weekend as campaigning groups delivered speeches protesting about the new law which give police increased power to curb protests and ban demonstrations.

Sheffield Trades Council joined with Sheffield Against the Policing Bill group  and protestors were asked to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines throughout the event.

The much campaigned against the Policing, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill would also impose restrictions on the rights of Gipsy, Roma and Travelling communities through the criminalisation of trespass and leave those who break the law facing fines up to £2,500.

Hundreds of demonstrators marched through Sheffield for the city’s fourth ‘Kill the Bill’ protest on International Workers’ Day campaigning against the newly announced Policing Bill.

Around 800 people gathered at Devonshire Green and Barkers Pool last weekend as campaigning groups delivered speeches protesting about the new law which give police increased power to curb protests and ban demonstrations.

Sheffield Trades Council joined with Sheffield Against the Policing Bill group  and protestors were asked to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines throughout the event.

The much campaigned against the Policing, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill would also impose restrictions on the rights of Gipsy, Roma and Travelling communities through the criminalisation of trespass and leave those who break the law facing fines up to £2,500.