Boris Johnson’s plan to lift ALL covid restrictions by the end of the month has sparked debate across Sheffield.

The Prime Minister announced in the House of Commons yesterday that he plans to lift all COVID restrictions a month earlier than initially planned,

He said:”Provided the current encouraging trends in the data continue, it is my expectation that we will be able to end the last domestic restrictions, including the legal requirement to self isolate if you test positive a full month early.”

This was met with cheers from the members of the House.

Public Health expert at the University of Sheffield, Dr. Andrew Lee, said on BBC Radio Sheffield this morning: “The danger is that we might end up allowing infected people back into workplace settings, gyms, schools, cinemas, and places like that. It will really encourage the spread of diseases like flu, whooping cough, or measles. It seems a bit risky doing so.”

And residents in Sheffield also cast doubts over the decision.  

Pensioner Linda Witham, said: “I’m not sure about anything concerning the government again”

 But Nikolas Erodotu, a cobbler at the Moor Market, was a bit more optimistic,

“It’s probably a little bit premature, but, if he’s followed the science and the scientists agree then possibly yes, it’s a good idea.”

Some people are fully on board like mother Moe Nakajima, who has young children.

“I think it’s a good thing because most people have vaccine cards now. I also think that it’s good for children so they can spend time in nursery”

 Shopper Demmi Leigh said: “Personally I think it’s something we have to live with, It’s not ideal for the vulnerable. Some restrictions should be kept like mask-wearing in some places. The vulnerable could (continue to) wear badges so we can take care around them”

Lauren Briscoe a patron at the Moor said: “If the science figures stay positive then it’s perfectly fine”

 Jane Illaboya, a support worker, added: “I heard on the news that COVID certificates need to be renewed. What about people who already have theirs? How can (Boris) be having parties when we are supposed to be cautious? Its propaganda. I don’t trust it”