An online petition opposing transport development plans on Ecclesall and Abbeydale Road has received over 6000 signatures.

The changes target bus stops, bus lane hours of operation, along with the enforcement of parking, waiting and loading restrictions.

Proposed by Connect Sheffield, changes include an extension to bus lane hours from 7am to 7pm, as well as having them operate on weekends.

Developments to bus stops include making the area where buses pull in larger, as well as adding shelter to improve the experience for passengers.

This reform, however, would mean removing parking spaces in certain locations, which has been opposed by some locals.

Simon May, a Sheffield resident said: “This will destroy Ecclesall Road as a local destination, relegating the area to access to the town centre only. 

“Hundreds of independent businesses will close.

Another proposed change is replacing yellow lines with red lines along sections of Abbeydale Road and Ecclesall Road. These red routes, rarely used in Sheffield, aim to enable more effective enforcement of parking restrictions through the use of cameras.

Simon said: “Parking will be impossible, therefore nobody will visit during the day. The council should be ashamed of themselves.”

Melissa Wilde, who started the petition, outlined that this would mean no waiting, loading, or parking. It will affect residents and businesses not only on that road, but the surrounding roads too.

John Adam Heath, owner of John Heath & Sons Funeral Directors on Ecclesall Road said: “Bereaved people regularly come in with documents, clothing, large floral tributes and mementos. 

“They also collect their loved ones’ ashes from there.

“I’m unsure as to how we would be able to serve bereaved people if this was implemented.”

The details of possible locations for these red lines will be considered following a feedback period and will be consulted on formally through a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) later this year.