Sheffield based homelessness charity Emmaus is handing out free CD’s and DVD’s in store this week in honour of Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17th.

The charity is also encouraging people to be kinder to the homeless and break the stigma attached to homelessness.

Charlotte Fedorenko, 43 ,Deputy Community Manager of Emmaus, said: “The whole ethos of being kind is very relatable to homelessness. 

“We need to look beyond the traditional ,often wrong, judgements that homeless people have brought it upon themselves and are all on drugs or drink.

“Don’t judge, just be kind, you never know what events have led to that person ending up homeless.”

Emmaus is a unique charity which aims to create a sense of community and refers to the people that they help as ‘companions.’ 

The charity provides companions with a home for as long as they need it, not just a bed for the night.

They also provide individual training packages to help companions gain skills and qualifications, as well as boosting their confidence and self-esteem.

Mrs Fedorenko said: “We understand that providing the right skills can be key to breaking the cycle of homelessness and empowering individuals to move on with their lives.

Emmaus Charity’s training package in action.

As well as handing out free CD’s and DVD’s with purchases in store, Emmaus is urging members of the public to donate items to help those in need on Random Acts of Kindness Day. 

Mrs Fedorenko said: “The smallest of gestures like having a clear out and choosing to donate your unwanted items to a small charity can make such a big difference. We rely on the kindness of the public and their generosity to help others who are less fortunate.”

Emmaus has seen an increase in demand for their services and people purchasing second hand items from their charity shop since the start of the pandemic.

Those who want to help the homeless on Random Acts of Kindness Day are encouraged to donate directly to a homeless charity. 

Mrs Fedorenko said: “The best way to support the homeless community is to support the Charities which are established to help them, as they know the best way to offer the help that is needed. 

“That way the funds will go where they are needed most and could help more people, instead of just one individual.”