A martial arts gym in Sheffield is offering free sessions in a bid to encourage people to come forward and speak about their mental health. 

X Martial Arts School, in Nether Edge, are offering free ‘mental health’ sessions on the first Wednesday of every month, starting on Wednesday 1st March.

Craig Williams, 38, first tried martial arts whilst at University, before picking it up again in 2015 when he found himself struggling with his mental health. 

Mr Williams said: “I know what it can be like, my cousin took his own life and I have struggled myself. People can feel isolated and like they have no purpose.”

At first he was apprehensive, but believes that training in martial arts helped him to build his confidence and social skills.

Five years into his training Mr Williams was rewarded for his dedication with a black belt. 

For the past three years he has worked as a trainer at X Martial Arts School, and he firmly believes that martial arts can offer those who are struggling with an opportunity to open up and get help. 

Mr Williams said: “The tide is turning. More people are coming forward and encouraging that openness to get help and get rid of the stigma.” 

The sessions are aimed at tackling the stigma around men’s mental health. However, anyone can attend and use the sessions to connect with others and become a part of the community. 

He described his classes as a safe space, and assured that the sessions would leave people feeling motivated and lighter.

The sessions will be striking based martial arts sessions, including boxing, kickboxing and karate training.

Mr Williams said: “Just come once and you will find like minded people and a welcoming community.

“Everyone’s been super supportive and I hope more people can get on board and open up. Even if just one person shows up I’ll be happy.”