A new running group in Sheffield has been launched offering runners taking part a free beer at the end of each run.

Run Dusty, which originated in London, encourages fitness fanatics to run across Sheffield, meet new people and enjoy an ice cold beer at different breweries.

By going to a different brewery each time, runners can explore and support more independent businesses which will attract more customers.

The first event took place earlier this month and last night saw the second run start and finish at Heist Brew Co’s Neepsend brewery.

Alex Finch and Toby Mackrill, two captains for the running team, believe Run Dusty could help to support breweries by increasing awareness with the runners.

Alex said: “Run Dusty has grown to the point of break away groups and that’s when we got involved in Sheffield. Sheffield is an outdoorsy city and also has a really good beer scene so it felt like a really good fit. We always make sure that everyone feels involved and included so it feels like a healthy start.”

Toby said he has always liked running and got into it during lockdown.

With yesterday’s event attracting many people he feels it’s nice to meet new people every week and believes it can be quite difficult to form new friendships and connections following Covid.

Run Dusty aims to run every fortnight with each run being around 5-7km.

Runners Ashley Mellors and Steven Maguire gave their opinions on the run yesterday whilst drinking their beer at Heist Brew Co.

Ashley said: “ It was a good vibe and I really enjoyed it. I thought it was quite good that they had someone in the front and another in the back especially with different abilities within the group.”

Steven only moved to Sheffield a year ago and has been looking forward to joining more social groups. He said: “The event was a great mix of a bit of exercise and a bit of fun.”

With many people anxious about joining running groups, the captains gave advice to people feeling hesitant to join Run Dusty, or even running in general.

Toby said: “Once people start doing it your body can do a lot more than you think it can. You are more capable than you think you are.”

Alex added: “Just try your best to shut out the noise and focus on incremental improvements.”

Tickets are free with the next event hosted on the 30th March.