A new restriction has been put in place from the start of this week which sees dogs banned from a series of beaches across Yorkshire.

The order came into action on May 1 and dog owners could face a fine of up to £1000 if caught breaking the rules.

The restrictions will last from now until the September 30 meaning dog owners may struggle to find a spot for them and their furry friend this summer.

Some of the forbidden spots in neighbouring North Yorkshire which could see beachgoers travelling from Sheffield include Bridlington, Hornsea, Sandsea, Scarborough and Whitby.

The ban has been put in place to prevent beachgoers from receiving unwanted attention from these energetic pets during the busy warmer months.

It is also there to make sure the beach is safe for children. Many young people are frightened of dogs and their poo can contain a type of roundworm which causes blindness.

People in Sheffield who travel to the seaside in North Yorkshire have reacted to the news of the new restrictions.

Nigel McCauley, 32, who is a father of two and lives in Sheffield, said: “My boys are absolutely terrified dogs. If one comes near us whenever we’re out they scream their heads off.

“It’s probably something they will grow out of but it’s good to know there will be beaches we can go to where my kids will feel safe. I think it’s a great restriction to make for the summer months.”

For just over half a year dogs have been free to roam almost every beach across the UK. But now according to the Dog Exclusion Act 2009, hefty fines could be handed out.

A fine of up to £75 could be given out under Public Spaces protection orders if enforced at the beach.

If the case goes to court the fine has the possibility to rise up to £1000, so it’s definitely worth checking if your dog is allowed on the beach beforehand.

Owners could also be fined for failing to keep their beloved mutts on a lead or walking too many dogs at once, although guide dogs aren’t included in these rules.

Paula Calpin, 56, from Sheffield and a proud owner of a Toy Poodle, said: “It will be a shame to not be able to take Toby to some beaches over summer, but I understand why they’re doing it.

“I guess you can get some really big dogs or ones who cause trouble. There will still be plenty of other options for places to go.”

Paula’s dog ‘Toby’.

For more information on dog friendly beaches in the UK check out this list on ‘The beach guide’ website.