South Yorkshire Police has encouraged children and their parents to make themselves aware of the best ways to stay safe online as part of Safer Internet Day 2024.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of a safer and better internet for all, and especially for children and young people.

The annual event sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote safe, responsible and positive use of the wealth of digital technologies available to children and young people.

The 2024 Safer Internet Day took place yesterday.

Detective Inspector Lee Wilson, who leads the Internet Sexual Offences Team (ISOT), said: “The digital world we live in continues to expand day by day and while that is exciting, it does also pose a threat to children and other vulnerable members of the online community.

DI Lee Wilson added: “It’s important parents get to know their children’s online habits by understanding the sites they are using and the people they are interacting with on them.

“It’s parents who know their children best and we would also encourage them to spot any sudden changes in their mood or appearance which could have been triggered by something they have seen online.”

There is a range of support, advice and help available with regards to keeping kids safe online and DI Wilson has reiterated a message of safety and vigilance to parents and children.

He said: “The internet is there for us all to enjoy but we need to make sure we are using it safely and responsibly.”

You can read further cyber crime prevention advice and tips on how to safeguard your children while they are online here: Cyber Crime – SYP (

For more information about Safer Internet Day 2024, please visit: Home – Safer Internet Day