Sheffield United manager Chris Wilder faced the press on Friday ahead of their game against Brighton on Sunday.

This comes after they lost 5-0 to Villa earlier this month.

On facing Brighton, Wilder said: “The knowledge of the crowd is incredibly important on Sunday and their approach to it. They want that game. You have to make sure your game plan is right. Patience doesn’t mean passive.”

Wilder responded to the loss against Aston Villa, saying it was a challenging time.

He said: “We had to own it. It’s still stinging for me personally. It was an extremely difficult, painful experience for us all. Myself as a manager, and most importantly, the supporters.”

Roy Hodgson, Crystal Palace’s manager, was taken ill during training yesterday morning.

Hodgson has since been hospitalised, which meant Crystal Palace had to cancel their news conference.

Wilder sends his best wishes following the Palace manager’s hospitalisation: “To listen to how he talks is brilliant. Every time I’ve been in his company, listening and learning, is a great experience.

He said: “We all wish Roy and his family all the best. I can imagine it wasn’t a great afternoon for anyone connected to Crystal Palace.”

Wilder went on to address claims that his team may add another player later down the line.

“I don’t think the rules allow you to do that now,” Wilder said. “That’s our squad as it is and hopefully it will go through to the end of the season, and most importantly, we won’t lose any more players.”

Wilder dismissed any long term injury impact: “You’re changing things mid season and you can’t always do what you want. There’s a risk and reward to get into the premier league. There’s quite a lot of things we need to get right and address. Ultimately we will get to where we want to be.”

But when speaking on the club as a whole, Wilder said: “It’s an extremely passionate football city with a lot of good young players. We need to keep on that journey with our academy to make sure that pathway is there and we keep producing young players and giving them the opportunity to play.”