The Mesothelioma UK Research Centre at the University of Sheffield is taking part in #FitnessFebruary to raise funds for charity.
The team of six are currently at the top of the leader board having covered 762.5km by walking, running, cycling and swimming, significantly exceeding their target distance of 380km.
So far, they have raised £455 for Mesothelioma UK which provides support for individuals living with this rare terminal cancer caused by asbestos.

The research centre focuses on the experience of individuals living with Mesothelioma and their families to help improve care and services.
Angela Todd, Co-director of the research centre, said: “Our goal is to highlight the voice of the person living with the disease and their experience which can be fed back into care and services so they can be better tailored and improved to help patients and their family.”
Team Leader, Sarah Hargreaves, said: “They fund a network of mesothelioma clinical nurse specialists, which is absolutely vital to people going through this experience. We absolutely need these specialists, so I think the more funding we can raise the better.”
Ms Hargreaves and her family took part in Fitness February last year as a way of ‘hitting back’ against the disease after losing her dad to Mesothelioma in 2021.
She said: “I know what it feels like to be told that a family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma which is a really bewildering experience. And to find out that there is no cure, it was a really difficult experience for our family.”
Both the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis have caused many charities to see a reduction in donations which inspired the centre to help raise ‘much needed’ funds for the charity.
Ms Hargreaves said: “They’re doing amazing work and they just need more money to do it as well as recognition of what they are doing.”
To find out more information or donate visit the website here.