A woman from Sharrow, Sheffield, has been jailed for a series of theft offences in Sheffield city centre between December 2023 and January 2024.

Daisy Parker-Barrett had stolen items from Iron Yard apartment complex residents, the Co-op on Clarkson Street and attempted to steal from the BP Petrol Station on Bramhall Lane when she was arrested by police.

Items stolen totalled to over £40.

PC Tony Nicholls from the Sheffield city centre team said: “Shoplifting offences are not victimless crimes and have an impact on the company and members of the local community who work there.

“Parker-Barrett’s offending has been prolific in recent months and I am pleased she is now behind bars and facing a custodial sentence for her actions.”

Ms Parker-Barrett appeared before Sheffield Magistrates Court on the 26th of February, where she pleaded guilty to one count of burglary and two theft offences.

She has been sentenced to 26 weeks in prison.