The 1867 Group has outlined a plan for two upcoming Owls’ games to protest the ongoing struggles under owner, Dejphon Chansiri.

Protests over the ownership of the club have been consistent throughout the season, as Wednesday currently sit 23rd in the Championship and are facing relegation.

Chansiri has been criticised by the fans for being ‘unfit’ to lead the side in a successful campaign.

This comes after he directly asked the fans to raise two million pounds to prevent the club from falling into administration as he ‘no longer intends to put money into the club’.

Wednesday were placed into a registration embargo by the EFL at the start of the season over an outstanding HMRC debt, which has since been paid off by the club after outrage from the fans.

With Wednesday set to face Leeds United next Friday, the 1867 Group have crowdfunded an order of 20,000 yellow and black flyers criticising the clubs ownership.

A spokesperson said via X, formerly Twitter: “It’s time for the fan base to stand up and say, enough is enough.

We are deeply worried about the future of our club under the ownership of Mr. Dejphon Chansiri, who has shown a lack of vision, competence, and respect for the fans and the history of Sheffield Wednesday.

Under his tenure, we have witnessed a series of poor decisions, mismanagement and controversies, which have brought us to the brink of financial ruin. We are staring relegation in the face yet again.”

Although the ownership of the club is being brought into contention fans are being urged not to take frustrations out on the players come kick off.

The group said: “Support the team, not the regime”

Lifelong season ticket holder, Jack Whiteman remains frustrated with the ongoing issues that the club faces.

“10 years running round in circles, dodgy dealings, point reductions embargos…. 

10 years more of Chansiri, and Wednesday will cease to exist.”

Protesters plan to continue their demonstrations throughout the rest of the season.