DC Outdoors are hosting a Canoe Taster experience at the Victoria Quays in Castlegate on March 17th.
The event is part of Sheffield’s Festival of the Outdoor and will be located at Pollen Market.
Dan Crawford, the founder of DC Outdoors, said: “The canoe tasters are a collaboration with Welcome to Sheffield who put on the outdoor festival, and they got in touch with us to put these on in conjunction with the Pollen Market.
“What we do is we show people the basics, take them onto the canal on a short journey and then when they come back we hand them a token which they can use at the Pollen Market.”
These taster sessions are held for beginners and do not require any experience along the way.
“Nine times out of 10 we sell these events out, and this year I think that being located where we are will help us repeat this.
“The reason that these are so popular is because every taster session is subsidised, so it is a very cheap option for people who maybe haven’t tried canoeing before and would like to.”
The price for the taster sessions is £10 for the hour compared to the normal sessions which are £45.
They also run regular tasters in the city centre and out in the Peak District, as well as delivering more expedition type activities.
“We’ve done canoe trips down the river for families and individuals and we’ve done bush-craft and canoeing trips into Scotland.”
DC Outdoors has been running since April 2018 and offers a range of outdoor activities outside of canoeing, including kayaking, climbing and abseiling.
“Another popular activity we run is paddle-boarding. They’re regular three hour sessions which take place most weekends from March to October, and once again are for those who haven’t had any experience.”
You can find out more about the activities offered by DC Outdoors here: https://www.dcoutdoors.co.uk/courses