Councillor Fran Belbin said: “The lack of access to suitable period products is a significant issue for far too many women, girls and people who menstruate within the city.” 

A draft of the ‘Period Equity and Menopause’ charter was approved by Sheffield City Council on Tuesday.

The initiative aims to support all those who menstruate, along with efforts to provide free period products at schools and workplaces. 

Councillor Ben Miskell said: “We as men shouldn’t shy away from being proper allies and backing girls and women and all those who menstruate.” 

Chella Quint, founder of ‘Period Positive’, an organisation which works in partnership with the council, called for improvements to the draft.

These include environmental consciousness, inclusive language and acknowledgment of voluntary partnerships.

Ms Quint said: “We were surprised to see that the draft charter still didn’t address some of our initial concerns.” 

The council approved the draft charter on the basis that it will be adapted accordingly once the comments have been reflected upon.