Billboard adverts aimed at junk food, fossil fuels, airlines, gambling and vaping are to be banned in Sheffield. 

Following a meeting held earlier this week, Sheffield City council has decided to ban these ‘harmful’ ads from all authority-owned hoardings, social media and sponsorship opportunities. 

This breaks new ground in the UK, with Sheffield going further than any other council to remove polluting promotions. 

Sheffield declared a climate emergency in 2019, alongside many other local councils. This step demonstrates a real commitment to encouraging a shift towards lower-carbon lifestyles.

Adfree Cities is a network of groups challenging corporate outdoor advertising and reclaiming public space for art, community and nature.

James Ward, a Counter Greenwash Campaigner at Adfree Cities, said: “Policies like the one implemented in Sheffield are important because they set a clear precedent for other councils to follow. 

“Many local authorities are looking for ways to meet climate goals, improve public health and reduce inequality. Ethical advertising policies are a cost-effective means of achieving all of these at once. The more councils that take this step the greater the motivation for others to follow.”

Research conducted by Adfree Cities has shown that outdoor advertisement is concentrated in areas of low income and high deprivation. 

Mr Ward added: “Ads for junk food, alcohol, flights, polluting cars all serve to increase demand for and consumption of those products. Why else would corporations spend so much money on advertising? By reducing the space for these corporations to push their products, we can reduce the harm that those products do to people and the planet 

“Reducing harmful ad content also helps alleviate some of the inequality inherent in the industry.” 

The ban has received support from programmes across Sheffield including Eat Smart Sheffield. 

Lisa Aldwin Programme Manager for Eat Smart Sheffield, said: “I am very much in support of the junk food ad ban.

“The environment around us heavily influences our food choices. And we are bombarded with ads for foods high in fat, salt and sugar constantly. This makes it much more difficult to choose healthy options.

“It disproportionately impacts households on low incomes too as they are targeted by a greater amount of advertising of junk food.  Across Sheffield, 60% of ads were found in the poorest areas of the city, while just 2% of ads were found in the most affluent locations.

 “It’s great to see Sheffield lead the way on this.”