A man is running from Liverpool to London to raise awareness of a new bill set to pass through Parliament in the coming months.

Mik Parkin, aged 52, started the run in Anfield last Saturday and continues onto Grenfell, via Hillsborough, where he finishes on April 20.

The Law, if passed, would help survivors and families of future disasters such as the Grenfell Tower fire or the Hillsborough disaster. It would make it illegal for any public authorities to give out misleading information or withhold information as they did in these disasters.

A 2016 inquiry for the Hillsborough disaster led to former Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield accepting he contributed to the deaths of 96 people. 

Mr Parkin reached Hillsborough on Monday, the 35th anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster that resulted in 97 people dying in a crush at the Stadium. 

He is also running in memory of Chris Lam, a survivor of the Hillsborough disaster, and Dan Kay, a campaigner for families and survivors of the disaster.

In the future, the law, also known as the Public Authority (Accountability) Bill, would help families with legal representation and require that all evidence and findings from inquiries must be considered at criminal trials. Which would have hugely helped the survivors and families of previous disasters.