Sheffield Action on Plastic held their first ever plastic free market at Trafalgar Warehouse, aiming to promote a more sustainable lifestyle.

The Sheffield environmental community organisation is working to educate and encourage people in the city to limit their reliance on single-use plastics.

Greg Hewitt from Sheffield Action on Plastic said: “A lot of the products that people can buy today help people to transition and move to a plastic free lifestyle.

“We have lots of craft stalls, we have food and drink, we have live music, you know a sort of really good atmosphere.”

Visitors were advised to bring their own reusable bags, washed reusable bottles, cups, containers and cutlery.

The market aimed to have all aspects of a plastic free lifestyle covered from bathroom and kitchen goods, to products for kids and pets.

Other projects ran by the organisation include a reusable coffee cup scheme at cafes and events, as well as a campaign that offers awards and publicity to businesses and community organisations who are working to reduce single-use plastics.

Sheffield Action on Plastic is run entirely by volunteers and welcomes people to get involved in their campaign.

The group will be running another Plastic Free Market on Sunday 3 November.