The campaign group Cycle Sheffield are envisioning Sheffield to be an inclusive, easy and safe cycling city.

This was the aim of the Big Ride 2024 which took place on Saturday, where over 70 people gathered in Devonshire Green to do a lap of the city.

The family friendly event aimed to call attention to the lack of safety provisions in the city, and give people and families the confidence to be on the road.

Paul Truin, from Cycle Sheffield, explains how motorists have a role to play in creating this cycle safety, proposing the city takes inspiration from Holland.

He notes how cyclists in this country are often painted as the ‘enemy’, and how we should instead look to encourage motorists to give cyclists priority on the roads.

Cycle safety is an ongoing battle in Sheffield which has a large cycling community.

Mr Truin says everyone has a role to play, not just cyclists.

Currently, Sheffield City Council are working on a new draft Sheffield Local Plan to guide future developments in the city, and Cycle Sheffield have produced a joint response with Sheffield CTC.