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SkateJam returns to Sheffield

The annual Skateboard Jam at Castlegate returned on Sunday 17 March as part of Sheffield’s Festival of the Outdoors, which included live music and ‘have a go’ coaching sessions with free equipment and board hire.

Alongside SkateJam, the Pollen Inner-City Flower market hosted a range of stalls selling food, drinks and other various goods.

Alec MacDonald, a longtime skateboarder, said: “It’s really nice to see Sheffield embrace skating and skating culture instead of seeing it as something to be almost controlled and stopped. You know were just trying to have fun and see our mates.”

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Sheffield Cycling 4 All hosts try out event for e-assist trikes

An e-assist bike event was held at Hillsborough Park on Monday, for amputees and stroke survivors to ‘regain freedom independence’.

Paul Hallinan, ICE Trike dealer based in Cheshire, had his leg amputated after he shattered his femur and was then diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer in 2014.

He said: “I struggled for around 18 months trying to find something that would get me back outdoors and wheelchair attachments don’t really do it, they make you feel more disabled. But I was very fortunate to meet a friend who had one of these trikes and got on it and immediately saw the possibility.”

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Foodbanks and community café near Bramall Lane are struggling for funding after their ‘busiest winter on record’

The ‘Theatre Deli’ which opens five days a week to support artists and communities in Sheffield have paused their performance programme beyond its current Spring Season as result of financial pressure.

The closure of its community café also coincides with the St Mary’s community church foodbank which has also temporarily closed due to financial issues.

Morwenna Carlin, a volunteer from the ‘Theatre Deli’ said, : “It was a huge stress. It was winter so we had less volunteers. People tend to be more drained and depressed in winter and have less energy to give.”

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