Shef News Live: for breaking news and updates in and around Sheffield and South Yorkshire.

Doncaster XL Bully attack: ‘Take action now and protect your children’

South Yorkshire Police have urged parents to take action to protect their children after a 3-year-old boy was mauled by a registered XL Bully dog in Doncaster,

The attack was on the boy’s face, resulting him needing face surgery earlier this week and the seized dog remains in the kennels as SYP carry out the investigation.

Chief Inspector Emma Cheney who leads the work on dangerous dogs in South Yorkshire said: “Children should never be unsupervised when with dogs, even family pets that you believe ‘would never hurt’ your children.”

Read more here

Frecheville Post Office confirms closure in summer

The Post Office located on Birley Moor Road, has confirmed its site closure and say they are looking to relocate nearby.

Officials have not yet confirmed the date but have said the vacancy has been advertised with an interested retailer, the staff have also affirmed this.

The Post Office said in a statement: ”Plans are progressing and we hope to share information about the proposed relocation soon.”

Two new stores opening in the Heart of the City

Fjällräven and Yards Store are the newest shops opening in the City Centre today at 9:30.

The menswear shop ‘Yards Store’ will be located on Pinstone Street, with outdoor brand ‘Fjallraven’ located on Charles Street.

These new brands form part of the Heart of the City project, the city centre development scheme led by Sheffield City Council.


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