Shef News Live: for breaking news and updates in and around Sheffield and South Yorkshire.

World’s oldest football club applies for planning permission for new stadium in Sheffield

Sheffield FC, which is the world’s oldest football club, has applied for planning permission for a new stadium in Sheffield.

The project would be built in partnership with rugby club Sheffield Eagles and includes feature professional football and rugby facilities as well as a cricket pavilion, multi-use artificial sports pitches, a football museum and an indoor community sports hall.

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Annual STEM showcase event for young people returns for 14th year

The interactive ‘Get up to Speed with STEM’ event in Rotherham gives pupils the chance to speak to a variety of businesspeople about future career opportunities.

John Barber, CEO of The Work-wise Foundation (the event’s organisers) said: “Our primary aim is to show young people what industries are out there.

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Lease to take over the former Doncaster Sheffield Airport has been signed.

The 125-year lease will help to ensure the future of the airport site with an ambition to return planes to the skies from the city.  

The announcement follows over a year of detailed and complex negotiations with landowners the Peel Group. The lease agreement is the first stage in the process to reopen the airport. The next stage is the appointment of an airport operator to manage the operational airport.  

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Community buildings fear closure ahead of Sheffield City Council review

Sheffield City Council will start by reviewing 22 community buildings, inspecting their potential use for the future, their condition, and the cost of running them. 

Fiona Milne, a member of the Friends Of Birley Spa, an affected building, said: “We are trying to be optimistic, but our experience over the last few years has taught us to be cautious, very cautious.”

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