Shef News Live: for breaking news and updates in and around Sheffield and South Yorkshire.

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Thank you everybody for tuning in to ShefNews Live Blog today for breaking news, travel and weather updates.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

BREAKING: South Yorkshire police take down drug dealing hotline

Officers in Sheffield have shut down a prolific drug dealing phone line which was used as hotline for the sale of drugs across the city.

Detective Inspector Matt Lavender said: “Drug dealing and the associated organised crime is a priority for South Yorkshire Police and we will continue to target dealers who cause misery in our communities.”

The order as part of Operation Fortify was granted by the court and the line was taken down yesterday.

BREAKING: Appeals for information bricks thrown at moving cars in Doncaster

Police are appealing for witnesses and anyone with information to come forward in Wheatley after bricks were reportedly thrown at moving cars on Wednesday 7 February.

PC Alice Janiuk said: “Thankfully no one was injured but we are now appealing for anyone who may have information about this incident to get in touch with us so we can progress our enquiries.”

Contact South Yorkshire Police by calling 101 and quoting investigation number 14/31605/24 or via their online portal here.

WEATHER: South Yorkshire on flood alert with water rising as snow melts

The Environment Agency has said: “Please avoid using low lying footpaths and any bridges near local watercourses and do not attempt to walk or drive through flood water.”

Send us in any flood pictures in South Yorkshire on our Twitter @ShefNews