Latest Sport

Football for Foodbanks project restarts after lockdown

With the lockdown easing, outdoor sports are back on and Football for Foodbanks has taken on the initiative to set matches for players that don’t have their own teams while aiming to raise money in the process.

Sports Feed

Man runs 227 miles for Hillsborough Law Campaign

Mik Parkin, aged 52, started the run in Anfield last Saturday and continues onto Grenfell, via Hillsborough, where he finishes on April 20. The Law, if passed, would help survivors and families of future disasters such as the Grenfell Tower fire or the Hillsborough...

Man runs 227 miles for Hillsborough Law Campaign

Man runs 227 miles for Hillsborough Law Campaign

A man is running from Liverpool to London to raise awareness of a new bill set to pass through Parliament in the coming months. Mik Parkin, aged 52, started the run in Anfield last Saturday and continues onto Grenfell, via Hillsborough, where he finishes on April 20....