Unique post boxes have popped up in five areas across the country to honour British authors and illustrators for 2021’s World Book Day.

The post boxes are located in areas close to places of significance to authors or their work. Only five locations have been picked: Sheffield, London, Belfast, Cardiff and Oban.

These distinctive post boxes are also digitally activated, with each containing a QR code which gives the user a link to free services, such as YouTube Channel links and free online readings, provided by the author that area praises.

The Sheffield parcel post box is painted in bright yellow and is dedicated to Donaldson and Monks, who wrote ‘What the Ladybird Heard’.

Illustrator, Lydia Monks, took to Twitter to share her inspired post box:

World Book Day is a charity funded by publishers and booksellers in the UK and Ireland with the aim of promoting reading for pleasure. The charity works to offer every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own.

World Book Day offers children in school a £1 book token, with lots of books on offer at that price, including Tom Fletcher’s ‘There’s a Wolf In Your Book’.

With trustees such as Cressida Cowell, the writer of How to Train Your Dragon and The Wizards of Once, the charity is very popular amongst young people.

If you want to get involved this World Book Day visit the link below.

World Book Day