The Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) Sheffield Pub Heritage Walk was postponed yesterday due to the snow.

The short walking tour, part of Sheffield’s Beer Week 2023, was supposed to go on a journey around some of the pub entries in the CAMRA guide.

Sheffield District CAMRA’s pub heritage officer Dave Pikersgill organised the walk.

Mr Pikersgill said the event always attracts visitors because “people like history, people like knowing where they come from and people like to know how their forefathers developed”.

“It’s important because people find interesting pubs they didn’t know existed in Sheffield beer week and Sheffield was recently rated as the best beer city in the world because of its large range of cask beers available. If you were in Sheffield you could drink a different beer every day which is great for beer tourism.”

Mr Pikersgill was hoping to lead visitors through Sheffield’s history from the University Arms, Bath Hotel, Bloo88, the Red Deer, the Grapes/Dog & Partridge to then finish at the recently reopened Fagan’s. 

J C Mitchell, a Sheffield-based beer blogger, said the walking tour “combines all of my interests in one place and I am really interested in the whole industrial side of it and Sheffield’s as a whole”.

“A lot of people don’t even know their own history and I think it’s really interesting some of these old places finding out what they used to be original is really interesting. Sheffield is just great for beer it’s fantastic.”

Inside of a pub. Credit: CAMRA

Mr Pikersgill also organised a Sheffield Pub Heritage walk last Sunday afternoon, accompanying a group of 20 around the Kelham Island industrial estate.

Gary Hunt, 60, attended the event on Sunday after seeing the festival of the outdoors leaflet and “was interested in some of the events, this seemed the best to mix activity and pleasure. I don’t know a lot about the history so a chance to come out and find out a bit more is great”.

“History is a big interest of the pubs and the community and a chance to try the beers. It’s great to experience something new. It’s nice to feel a connection with the place and understand the history better.”

Bath Hotel plans. Credit: CAMRA

CAMRA is a consumer organisation set to have quality real, ale, cider and perry and thriving pubs in every community.

The walk has been rescheduled for CAMRA’s national Member’s Weekend in April and as part of CAMRA’s Heritage Open Days in September.