William Chapman Nyaho brings African classical music to life in Sheffield with his live rendition of ‘Piano Music of Africa and the African Diaspora’ tonight.

Mr Nyaho said: “Sheffield has done wonderful stuff in the promotion of diversity, equality and inclusion.”

Dr Sarah Watts, Director of Performance at the University of Sheffield, invited Mr Nyaho to perform in Sheffield as a role model to young artists of all backgrounds. 

His concert in Wigmore Hall, London on the 17th of February was met with great praise. The performance was part of the African Concert Series, an event created by pianist Rebeca Omordia which celebrates music and musicians from Africa and African heritage.

Mr Nyaho is a Ghanaian-American classical pianist who grew up in Ghana and is based in Seattle, with degrees from St. Peter’s school, Oxford, Eastman School of Music, and the University of Texas.

He is a highly acclaimed member of the Music Teachers National Association of the US and has travelled the World sharing music by African Composers and experiences from his very international-life.

Having grown up in a musical family, he became a pianist after drawing inspiration from his sister. 

He said: “I am promoting wonderful music by composers of African descent that are underrepresented in classical music.

“I started early as music was all over since I was a child and I loved to copy my older sister.”

Mr Nyaho wrote a five volume anthology published by the Oxford University Press entitled ‘Piano Music of Africa and the African Diaspora’ in order to help create better access to the niche genre. 

Amongst performing, he extensively teaches and gives masterclasses regarding African composers and promoting the need for equality as the Vice President of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion at the Music Teachers National Association.

He added: “Classical music is for all and there is a lot of extremely wonderful art music from African composers and they need equal representation in the canon of classical music.”

The concert will take place in Firth Court at 7.30 pm. 

You can learn more about William Chapman Nyaho here.