A panel of empowering women dominated the room with inspiring stories at an event for the Festival of Debate.

Dozens of people gathered at the Workspace in Sheffield last Wednesday as part of the annual celebration of debates to listen and share stories on being a woman in a position of power in a male dominated society. 

Terezia Rostas, organiser of the event and founder of Welcoming Cultures UK, said: “Today we had a really beautiful event, close to my heart called ‘Empowering Women Leading change’.

“I felt that the way this panel was formed, spoke a lot about how I see women leading change in Sheffield, because they are present and visible everywhere, we just need to celebrate them and recognize them more.”

The morning included a speech from each of the panellists sharing their experiences and challenges that followed on with a discussion with the audience.

The spectators chose to ask for advice from the panel, suggest future ideas for similar events and even tell their own inspiring stories.

Sonia Gayle, a panellist, said: “We want to empower people to find their voices and say you can be anything you want to be.”

The event concluded with a big lunch and lots of chatting and smiles.

‘Empowering women leading change’