Nightclubs that haven’t been able to operate normally since March 2020 may open sooner than expected, as Boris Johnson published his roadmap out of lockdown last week.

The industry that will be one of the last to reopen finds itself in the final step in the easing of restrictions, Step 4.

Provided everything goes according to the Government’s plan and scientific advisors are confident on the progress, we could see the sector open up on 21 June, also the date in which all legal limits on social contact could be removed.

Bethany Okogba, Promotions Manager at Sheffield’s Leadmill Nightclub said: “We are super excited to be planning events again, we thought it would be much later in the year, so we are delighted.”

Clubs like Leadmill, who are best known for their indie music nights have been anxiously waiting for the green light to reopen. They have been supported both financially and morally from a variety of different areas of society.

Ms Okogba said: “With the help of government funds, our amazing fans and bands such as the Arctic Monkeys doing their bit to keep us going we hoped we could have lasted until the pandemic ended, whenever that was.”

People of all ages across the UK and Sheffield have been expressing their excitement from the news that night clubs could reopen in June.

Karmen Froggat, 35, a nursery teacher said: “I’m definitely going to be going clubbing when they reopen, I don’t care if I look like I’m looking for my lost child, I’ll be there.”

Sam Dudman, 20, who is studying at the Sheffield University said: “We have planned fun nights at home with my house but nothing compares to a good night out, I can’t wait.”

Although 21 June is the date revealed by the Government to resume the remaining areas of the economy, it is not yet certain that they will be able to open at this time. The government’s approach will be guided by science at every stage of the unlocking, hence their new slogan `data not dates`.

Ms Okogba said: “All customers that have had events cancelled or have been rescheduled will be offered tickets to the new show or a refund.”

With 20 million people in the UK already receiving their first dose, the government aims to have offered the vaccine to all adults in the country by September.”>